Archive for September, 2011

Job Application

Hi to everyone. How have you been folks? I hope everything went well for the past days. I just realized that today is the last day of September. I am hoping that everybody had a wonderful month. As for me, I can’t complain despite life’s imperfection. Before I flew to Turkey for a short vacation […]

Stronger Than You Think

“You are stronger than you think,remember to stand tall.Every challenge in your life helps you to grow.Every problem you encounter strengthens your mind and soul.Every trouble you overcome increases your understanding of life.When all your troubles weigh heavily on your shoulders,Remember that beneath the burden you can stand tall,Because you are never given more than […]

Part I: Do You Have A Forgiving Attitude?

It’s been a week now since I did not check my other email add. I do subscribe to Kyregma and Bo Sanchez inspiring messages. Sometimes, we just need inspiring messages like these to help us clear things such a confusion, grudges with friends, quarrel with hubby, anger, hurt feelings, hatred and anything that make us […]

Part II: Do You Have A Forgiving Attitude?

Don’t Rush To Forgive If The Wound Is Grave When the hurt is very deep, don’t forgive right away. When someone hurts you deeply, God doesn’t require that you forgive right away. When your husband commits adultery, or when an uncle molests you, or when a friend betrays you…, God doesn’t require that you drive […]

Part III: Do You Have A Forgiving Attitude?

Be Selfish: Have A Forgiving Attitude! A wise man said, Forgiveness is first of all a gift you give yourself. Forgiveness is almost a selfish act—because of the incredible blessing the forgiver gets! Imagine this scenario. You’re so angry at someone, you decide to buy Triple-X poison from the drugstore. Upon reaching home, you drink […]

Part IV: Do You Have A Forgiving Attitude?

What’s the Solution? To heal our unforgiving attitude, we must ask, “What is the root of unforgiveness?” From experience, our inability to forgive others comes from our inability to forgive ourselves. Yes, it can be that simple. If you don’t receive God’s mercy, you can’t give mercy to others. The Bible says, Forgive as the […]

Part V: Do You Have A Forgiving Attitude?

Let God Pay You God saw you when you were offended. Hurt. Abandoned. If someone stole from you, or hurt you, or offended you, read this verse: God says, Your shame and disgrace are ended. You will live in your own land. And your wealth will be doubled; Your joy will last forever. (Isaiah 61:7) […]


“Beauty lies on the eyes of the beholder”. Is this right folks? I can’t exactly remember the saying..but anyway, I believed most of us know what and where we can find the real beauty of a person. Some might be looking on the outer beauty but the inner beauty of the person is the most […]

Just a Conversation

It is always nice to have some conversation either with a friend, your neighbor, a colleague, your husband, sister, brother, family or any people you meet on the road. I had some conversation with hubby last night. I was telling him that if I win the lottery he can immediately retire and I want to […]

Nice Quote to Share…Never Judge

I just read this in my friend’s wall in facebook who currently works in Kuwait…just thought of sharing this here than posting in my own FB wall. Thanks Ye for these nice words… “Before you judge my life, my past or my character… Walk in my shoes.Walk the path I have traveled, live my sorrow, […]



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