October 7th, 2018 by admin
The garage is often viewed as the home space that is least likely to be used for more than vehicle storage in bad weather. You can perform a few simple upgrades and make it a spot that sees more activity and use than ever before.
Add Functional Workstations
The addition of counters that made with moisture repellent materials are perfect for tackling household and automotive projects that are too messy to do in the house. Add easy-access electrical outlets and under counter storage for power tools. You can even incorporate wall racks to hang hand tools in a space that is easy to find at the last moment. (more…)
January 21st, 2018 by admin
“This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine.”
Happy New Year everyone! I know it is too late already but hey, Better Late Than Never at All! Hope you are all having a wonderful start of 2018! So far, so good for me! There are a lot of things that happened already during the first weeks of this year, but I don’t complain. I believed God knows the best for me and that it is His plan why these things happened. Anyway, I wish I can share the stories here. I will try my best when I have extra time. Life is just so busy all the time and I am glad to be here right now, giving you some updates.

Yesterday, I was browsing my FB while relaxing. I was looking for a friend’s daughter who look really different. The last time I saw her and the whole family was four years ago. I was guessing if she is wearing a wig and I realize, yes she is! While browsing more photos of her, I also found the friend who also look different. (more…)
December 24th, 2017 by admin
Worthy to share this story and for life’s inspiration too! Thanks Kyregma for this!
“Thus says the Lord, should you build me a house to dwell in?” – 2 Samuel 7:5
Mr. Harry Wayne Huizenga is a wealthy American businessman who has several multimillion dollar mansions in South Florida, one of which he gave to his niece as a wedding gift. Can you imagine receiving a multimillion-dollar house as a gift?
Tomorrow is the Lord’s birthday. How nice would it be to give Him a house as a present — not the structure, but our very own self. We’re worth more than any mansion on earth and I am sure the Lord would be delighted with the gift that we bring. He knows that we are a work-in-progress, but we can at least prepare as we welcome Him into our hearts. (more…)
August 27th, 2017 by admin
Sponsored Post. All opinions are mine.
I can’t imagine how many millions of people around the planet are searching for their dream cars at the moment. Are you one of them? Are you still shopping for your dream car that you always wanted long time ago?

The other weekend, when my dear friend visited me in my birthday party, I noticed that she is driving a new car. I asked her and she told me that it is her new car. I am so happy to see her maneuvering her car on her way home after my birthday party. (more…)
December 18th, 2016 by admin
Cowhide rugs are the hottest ticket in town right now. If you have even an iota of interest in interior design, there’s a good chance you’ve heard about these 100 percent natural floor coverings. These rugs are becoming increasingly common in residences for a number of different reasons.
If you see an authentic cowhide rug, you know it’s its own entity. Since these rugs consist of cowhide, they’re just as inimitable as the majestic grazing animals themselves. People who are searching for irreplaceable home design components, as a result, can truly appreciate them. If you want to buy a gorgeous home rug that doesn’t have countless other clones all over the place, cow skin is more than likely your finest option. These rugs are perfect for people who admire things that are special and distinctive. (more…)
November 16th, 2016 by admin
I have been compensated for this post with either a sample product and/or payment. All opinions are mine.
Hello everyone! How have you been? Hope all is fine folks! I am doing very better and I am so happy after my doctor’s visit today. God’s will and so soon, I will be backed to work again. The doctor said that the wound from my surgery will be healed in a week. I am so happy that the big wound is getting so small now and about to be healed. I continue to pray for my full healing and recovery. ..so please help and bless me Lord!
So, back to the main topic…Everytime I go for a doctor’s visit, I go afterwards to different shops who are offering items on sale. Why not, when I can save money. I found some during the past weeks and slowly buying and gathering it for the holiday season. Yes, I am slowly getting ready for Christmas! I have a lot of family who deserve some presents. (more…)
November 9th, 2016 by admin
I got these inspiring words from a friend. I totally agree with it! As human beings, we need friends to share our blessings and sentiments with, to listen to us and vice versa, to be there in times of sorrows and happiness and most of all true friends accept us for who we are and not for what we have. True friends are simply blessings from up above! I am blessed to have some! How about you?

Autumn in Germany! The beauty of nature is simply awesome!
“The greatest value of having good friends isn’t what you get from them,
but the better person you become because of them.
True friends don’t care about the size of your house
or what type of car you drive,
because friendship is never about wealth,
its about your sincerity, trust and loyalty.”
God Bless!!!
November 1st, 2016 by admin
I have been compensated for this post with either a sample product and/or payment. All opinions are mine.

Are you slowly getting ready for the holiday season? How about the gifts and presents you want to share to your family, loveones, friends or even co-workers? Sometimes celebrating holiday season can be very tough especially if we don’t have the right budget to buy presents to our dear loveones. Don’t you know that you can stretch your budget by shopping in an online store that offers big discounts in whatever products or services you like. (more…)
October 15th, 2016 by admin

May the Holy Spirit take away all the burdens
from your heart today so that you can start everything you do
with complete determination & joy.
May you have more GIFT OF WISDOM
so that you can think very well,
feel great, & intelligently decide always, based on God’s Written Words.
May you find more strength In your hours of frailty.
September 13th, 2016 by admin
This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine.

Who doesn’t love shopping out there! I believed not only women love shopping but there are also a lot of men who enjoy shopping at any cost. I admit, I am also a great shopper but I love shopping and buying goods or products that are on sale. These days, I never buy items that are not cheap or having discounts and of course with good quality too. With the financial and economic crisis that is going on everywhere, I know many of you out there want to have a value of your money and always wanted to save when you go shopping. Right folks? (more…)