Good Investment
I will be talking about accounting terms this time especially about investment. What is actually an investment? Do you think buying a car, prada or gucci bag, an Iphone or a DKNY leather shoes a good form of investment? When we say investment, it means that we are putting money into something where we are expecting for a profit or return. I would say, if you buy a new car and already drove it for some kilometers, its value is depreciating. This simply means that it is not really a good form of investment just like the others that I mentioned above.
What is really a good investment during the economic crisis that is happening around the world now? I believed investing on gold is one of the best way to invest your money. You can also buy silver coins. These valuable metals are always appreciating in terms of value. Buying for example parcel of lands can also be a good form of investment. Investing in bonds, securities and term insurances are also good but not all the time secure. I wish to elaborate more on this but maybe in my future post. I should finish post last night but I got busy on some things. Enjoy the rest of your last weekend of February.