Just a Reminder, Nice One!

Good Morning! I believed it is a good thing starting to share this very nice sharing this morning! Have a blessed day!

The Perfect Mold

“If the virtuous man turns from the path of virtue to do evil… None of his virtuous deeds shall be remembered, because he has broken faith and committed sin.” – Ezekiel 18:24

There are some Christians who do good to atone for something bad they have done. Some rich people donate “generously” to somewhat assuage their guilt for whatever iniquities they have committed. Businessmen cheat on their taxes so that they can “help” more people through employment. These Christians believe that entering heaven is like passing the test at the weighing scale of justice. By doing more good deeds than bad, they think they will earn the right to enter. Doing good things is always virtuous; but doing it for the sake of covering up for something sinful is not in God’s book of standards.

When we manufacture our paper bags, the machine would sometimes produce some that are substandard. What we do is re-make these bags by hand. Otherwise, they will be rejected and thrown to the recycling pit. If we let God’s hands mold us according to His standards, not ours, then our entry to heaven is assured.
Rolly España (rolly@homeliving.com.ph)

Who is leading you? Is it the Good Shepherd or yourself?

Father, You are the potter and I am the clay. Mold me and fashion me according to Your will.

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